Wednesday, November 25, 2009

It's Been A While

Well, it's been a year and three months since I last posted on here and there's been many changes since then. Where should I begin?

For starters, I've become engaged! I know, crazy eh? Well, I've been with Margarita for almost eight years and we've been living together for four...It's amazing how time flies by.

Secondly, I've stopped playing competitive goalball. It's sad but I've developed arthritis in my foot (from a break that I received when I was eight years old) and it's too difficult to say whether or not I could compete at tournaments. However, there is good news, I am now the assistant coach for the Ottawa Women's team. I'm very excited about this.

Lastly, I lost twenty five pounds this year. I was running, walking and biking through out the spring and summer and because of this, I lost all that weight. Unfortunately, about a month ago I hyper extended my knee (it got better) but then I hurt my Achilles tendon and I haven't been able to do much in the way of running and stuff so I've actually started gaining some of the weight back. I'd would like to get down to around 170 lbs before my wedding, which is next August.

Well, that's most of the exciting news that I have, don't forget to go to or click on Margarita's name to check out her new blog. It's all about her skiing (training and competitions).

1 comment:

Margarita Gorbounova said...

Haha, Cliff, do you think anyone reads your blog? It's even more boring than mine!!

I'm starting to have doubts about this whole blogging thing. I don't know how to make it interesting.